White Dog Art

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In Art Watercolor Gallery, Chat Blanc, Zenkats on September 29, 2011 at 12:20 pm

original watercolor aceo 2.5 x 3.5 9/2011

The name is french and means ’people of victory.’ Now this cat is another palace cat and is thought to bring victory in war. She is adorned with purple accoutrements. Purple being, of course, majestic. Whatever her given reputation….she is an extraordinary ‘mouser.’


In Art Watercolor Gallery, Wolves on September 26, 2011 at 2:31 pm

original watercolor aceo 2.5 x 3.5 c9/2011

This is a Cheyenne name for a woman and it means ‘stays at home.’ When I chose this name for the wolf in my painting I was thinking of my male cattle dog, ‘Buddha.’ I wistfully thought….if only he would stay at home. Perhaps if I had named him ‘Abeque’ he would have stayed at home? Also the look of the eyes. ‘Buddha’ lies like this a lot and he has a shifty look in his eyes when he is calculating how he could leave home without me catching him. Actually the look in the wolf eyes is quite fierce. Buddha’s are never fierce. He is very gentle. The last time he left I found him at the liquor store in town. Someone always finds him. I think that he shape shifts. How else can he be here one moment and then the next gone.


In Art Watercolor Gallery, Wild Things on September 22, 2011 at 3:06 pm

original watercolor aceo 2.5 x 3.5 c9/2011

Divine huntress. Like Diana of mythology she commands the forest. We have lions on the mountain. I have never sighted one but have seen the tracks. A friend of mine told me the story about when she lived in a remote area on the mountain. She had to park her car on the main road in the winter because she couldn’t have driven on her small road in the snow. One morning she walked out to her car after a fresh snow.  When she returned that evening she saw that there were big cat tracks following her own tracks going out to the road.


In Art Watercolor Gallery, Painted Ponies on September 20, 2011 at 2:30 pm

original watercolor aceo 3.5 x 2.5 c9/2011

Avatar is a magical stallion. A pegasus given to the brave warrior Youngblood. The gift was from Indra…king of heaven….in the name of Sachi his wife. She had long admired the many virtues of Youngblood and asked Indra to gift the pegasus who would carry him into battle and thus Youngblood would sustain no mortal wounds. On this very day he rides his stallion Avatar across the heavens.


In Art Watercolor Gallery, Wild Things on September 16, 2011 at 2:35 pm

original watercolor aceo c9/16/2011

A few mornings ago when I was walking at the lake I watched an osprey for a long time while he caught his breakfast. He swooped several times into the lake and finally retrieved a fish. Then he graced my presence by flying directly overhead and into the branches of a tall cedar. There he rested with his catch of the day. He would intermittently fly away and then return to the limb far above my head.

The osprey is a bird of prey whose diet consists of 99% fish. He is also called the ‘fish hawk.’ Magnificent hunter. Much smaller than an eagle, but none the less fierce.


In Art Watercolor Gallery, Wild Things on September 14, 2011 at 12:55 pm

original watercolor aceo 3.5 x 2.5 c9/13/2011

By the light of the moons he searches for small prey scurrying through the brush. Keen of eye, sharp of talon and ever wary he catches his meal every night. A nice plump owl ….. a testimony to his hunting accumine.

Another barn owl. I do love the way their faces seem almost human. I wouldn’t want to be tracked by an owl.


In Art Watercolor Gallery, Chat Blanc, Zenkats on September 11, 2011 at 2:57 pm

original watercolor aceo 3.5 x 2.5 c9/2011

Sesame lives in Mongolia and is the Princess of Poppies. She is bejeweled and worshiped. Giving gifts to Princess Sesame ensures an abundant crop of poppy flowers.


In Art Watercolor Gallery, Chat Blanc, Zenkats on September 9, 2011 at 1:37 pm

original watercolor aceo 3.5 x 2.5 c9/2011

This is a great cat…much revered for his exceptional hunting skills on the planet of Thog. This planet has 8 suns which cast mellow light perfect for producing an abundance of mice and other small animals of which felines are so fond of catching.

walk with balance

In Art Watercolor Gallery, Wild Things on September 2, 2011 at 12:10 pm

original watercolor aceo 3.5 x 2.5 c9/2011

The spiral is the native american symbol for life’s journey. One would be wise to be aware of balance in all things.