White Dog Art

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In Art Watercolor Gallery, Wild Things on October 26, 2021 at 2:43 pm

watercolor 10/2021

When your world moves too fast

and you lose yourself in the chaos,

introduce yourself

to each color of the sunset. 

Reacquaint yourself with the earth

beneath your feet.

Thank the air that surrounds you

with every breath you take.

Find yourself

in appreciation life.

……………Christy AnnMartine


This jack rabbit looks like my granddog “Maggie.” It’s just a feeling…a mood that I always seen in Maggie. Unspoken guilt and desire mixed together. Maybe I was channeling Maggie….LOL I am doing doggie daycare for Maggie since her mom went to work at the pottery studio. I’m not much fun but I do talk to her, give her fresh marrow bones and love on her a lot. So…..she is much more in my radar since I have been spending so much time with her. Dogs rock. They absorb your energy but don’t judge ever.

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