White Dog Art

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In Art Watercolor Gallery, Coyote, Wild Things on October 29, 2018 at 3:08 pm

watercolor 10/2018

O’ Great Spirit

help me always

to speak the truth quietly,

to listen with an open mind

when others speak

and to remember the peace

that may be found in silence.

………Cherokee Prayer


I love coyotes. Perhaps it is their inquisitiveness most of all that I adore. I walk with my dogs every day in the Guadalupe Oak Grove wildlife preserve. My day is perfect when I have a coyote sighting and especially perfect when they follow me on the walk. These coyotes are quite small compared to the Mountain coyotes, but coyotes they are indeed. Makes me feel like I am running with wolves. Being with wild animals invokes the Cherokee prayer above. The wild things teach me stillness They take me to the depths inside myself where stillness abides. I am rejuvenated with great love. So, you see, coyote is truly my sensei, my teacher when we gaze into each other’s eyes.

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marriage totem blessing

In Art Watercolor Gallery, Two Spirits, Wild Things on October 17, 2018 at 2:25 pm


Watercolor 5×7 2018

This was a commission for a wedding gift. Very interesting relationship ….a beaver with a snake. The beaver has a very grounded and industrious nature while a snake embodies cosmic consciousness and transmutation. I wonder how this couple’s marriage will evolve. I wish them harmony.