White Dog Art

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keeper of the sacred grove

In Art Watercolor Gallery, Wild Things, Wolves on January 30, 2021 at 5:02 pm

watercolor 1/2021

‘Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influence of the earth’

…….Henry David Thoreau

I recently read that studies of brain activity in people after three days of being in nature revealed lower levels of theta activity. This suggesting that their brains had rested. I used to live on a mountain at 5000′ and when I drove up the mountain from the flat land below I noticed a significant change in my sense of well being after the 3000′ mark. I was not alone. My friends living on the mountain also experienced the same and we all were always reluctant to descend from our crow’s nest home. Visitors who came for a weekend were so different…..not relaxed. Their road rage came with them whereas those of us living there full time were relaxed…..at peace. So….I am a believer in the healing ways of nature.

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dream chaser

In Art Watercolor Gallery, Wild Things on January 21, 2021 at 4:16 pm

watercolor 1/2021

O’ Great Spirit

help me always

to speak the truth quietly,

to listen with an open mind

when others speak,

and to remember the peace

that may be found in silence.

…..Cherokee Prayer

One day when I was living on the mountain a family of raccoons visited my cyclone fenced yard. They didn’t seem to be aware of my two dogs until the dogs chased them. The raccoons then scurried up the trees. And there they stayed throughout the night even though I kept my dogs inside the house. It was quite a sight….6 very large raccoons draped from tree limbs. Sometime before dawn they exited. Nice visit for me but not the raccoons.

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sage walker

In Art Watercolor Gallery, brown bear, Wild Things on January 13, 2021 at 4:18 pm

watercolor 1/2021

‘Allow nature’s

peace to flow 

into you as 

sunshine flows

into trees.’

……..john muir


I often ritually burn sage in my house. It clears energy and it heals your body/spirit. Whenever you are feeling taken over by negative emotions or thoughts smudging sage will restore all and you will feel protected. I don’t overthink the ritual so I have no rules. I like that way best. To disperse the smoke I use a hawk feather gifted to me by a beautiful soul …… a woodsman from the North Carolina mountains.  He also taught me to surround my home with feathers so that the faeries would come. I never saw the faeries but I am sure they came and blessed my home. I also burn incense daily……nag champa and sandlewood. It makes a big difference. Home…peace…home.

winter faerie

In Angels and Goddesses, Art Watercolor Gallery on January 5, 2021 at 5:15 pm

watercolor 1/2021

‘I wonder if the snow loves the trees

and the fields, that it kisses them so gently?

And then it covers them up snug,

you know with a white quilt;

and perhaps it says “Go to sleep,

darlings, til the summer comes again.’

…………….Lewis Caroll

I painted this for my daughter. It joins another earlier Christmas piece which only comes to view during the holidays. It’s like bringing out all those ornaments for the tree. Always a bit of magic felt.

I would give to you peace and light for this new year.