White Dog Art

Archive for February, 2021|Monthly archive page

casting of the runes

In Art Watercolor Gallery, Ravens and Crows, Things with Feathers on February 9, 2021 at 2:20 pm

watercolor 2/2021

If you want to awaken

all of humanity,

then awaken all of yourself.

If you want to eliminate

the suffering in the world, then

eliminate all that is dark

and negative in yourself.

truly, the greatest gift

you have to

give is that of your

own self-transformation.

…..Lao Tzu

Raven is a bird surrounded by ancient lore…..much of which has flavored perception of ravens today. The raven is a clever, mysterious and most intelligent bird. Actually I am beguiled by any creature who crosses my path and raven is no exception. This one is a Druid bird casting the runes and holding the rune Dagaz. This is the rune of transformation. Shaped like a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis. The rune of awakening, awareness representing a paradigm shift which is now occurring.

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