White Dog Art

Archive for May, 2016|Monthly archive page

Journey Home

In Uncategorized on May 30, 2016 at 7:17 am

I am leaving this mountain cottage which I have enjoyed so much. Living for all these years in the woodsie wilds of  this mountain has been so joyful for me. The wild absorbs troublesome thought and transmutes dispare and fear. I will take this with me however. These last few days I have been breathing in the wild….especially the raven calls at 5am…..and now on to a new adventure. The isolation here which I enjoy so much has become too dificult for me to manage so I will be living now in northern California. I will be a 5 minute walk from my daughter and her family so that help will be close should I need it. Still I will be painting. It is my meditation and joy. I won’t be painting for a bit but just drawing. My new studio space will definitely be warmer…….hooray!! Love Gretchen


In Uncategorized on May 28, 2016 at 7:23 am

This grandfather bear was painted as a commission. He is on a 16 x 20 piece of watercolor paper. I usually  paint smaller to very small so everything about painting this large is challenging until I remember how. The very first thing I do is pull out my giant brushes. Then I mix large quantities of colors. No dabbing with #1 and smaller brushes. My studio temp was registering at 40 degrees so I painted at my kitchen table. In the winter I always paint in the kitchen because of the cold but hardly ever a large piece on an even larger board. There were a number of moments of silent cursing but it came together. I think that I would like to remain in touch with the process of painting large………so I may endevor to paint larger………when I can paint on a suitable surface. To be seen…….I suppose. Anyway…..my patron was most pleased and although there are things I would change….always…..I was also pleased with the bear.


In Art Watercolor Gallery, Big Cats, Wild Things on May 3, 2016 at 1:02 pm
watercolor aceo 5/2016

watercolor aceo 5/2016

“Your foot touches the earth mindfully, and you arrive firmly in the here and the now. And suddenly you are free – free from all projects, all worries, all expectations. You are fully present, fully alive, & you are touching the earth.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh