White Dog Art

Archive for June, 2013|Monthly archive page


In Art Watercolor Gallery, Swans, Things with Feathers, Wild Things on June 27, 2013 at 7:45 pm
watercolor aceo 6/2013

watercolor aceo 6/2013

Two swans (Ham and Sa) pair together, swimming around in the divine mind living on honey from the blooming lotus of knowledge… Saundarya Lahar

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the web that knows no weaver

In Art Watercolor Gallery, Painted Ponies on June 26, 2013 at 2:25 pm
watercolor aceo 6/2013

watercolor aceo 6/2013

Do you believe in unicorns? I have long considered that if you can imagine something then it must exist in some dimension. Can the dimensions be crossed. That’s the stuff of which faerie tales are made. 



In Art Watercolor Gallery, Wild Things on June 25, 2013 at 3:06 pm
watercolor aceo 6/2013

watercolor aceo 6/2013

These tiny animals are curious and they have built-in quill protection. An interesting lesson if hedgehog be your totem. Explore and be sensitive to what’s going on around you. It seems to me that they must come from Faerie. They are so tiny and dear.

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lewis’s cats

In Art Watercolor Gallery, Zenkats on June 25, 2013 at 11:26 am
watercolor aceo 6/2013

watercolor aceo 6/2013


watercolor aceo c6/2013

watercolor aceo c6/2013

These two kitties were a commission from two delightful men on the mountain who rescue feral cats. I have been painting their cats for some years now. Lucky cats to have been given a home.


fox medicine

In Art Watercolor Gallery, Wild Things on June 24, 2013 at 7:34 pm
watercolor aceo 6/2013

watercolor aceo 6/2013

Fox has the ability to be in plain sight but not be seen. I had a friend years ago who cultivated this attribute.  He would simply disappear into a crowd of people and then suddenly you could see him sitting by himself in the middle of everyone and no one was aware of his presence.

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calling down the moon

In Art Watercolor Gallery, Ravens and Crows, Things with Feathers, Wild Things on June 21, 2013 at 12:45 pm
watercolor aceo 6/2013

watercolor aceo 6/2013

The moon and the stars belong to the creator raven.

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call of the wild

In Art Watercolor Gallery, Things with Feathers, Wild Things on June 19, 2013 at 7:52 pm
watercolor aceo 6/2013

watercolor aceo 6/2013

The rooster is one of the 12 zodiac signs. If you are a rooster you probably dress very well and like to strut your stuff just like the crowing rooster.

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In Art Watercolor Gallery, Wild Things on June 18, 2013 at 7:48 pm
watercolor aceo 6/2013

watercolor aceo 6/2013

The lion queen.

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In Art Watercolor Gallery, Wild Things on June 17, 2013 at 2:11 pm
watercolor aceo 6/2013

watercolor aceo 6/2013

Face your fear and it will become like a kitten. Run and it will become like a ferocious lion.

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rising sun

In Art Watercolor Gallery, Things with Feathers, Wild Things on June 13, 2013 at 2:11 pm
watercolor aceo 6/2013

watercolor aceo 6/2013

1000 folded origami cranes summon peace and well being.

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