White Dog Art

jon’s dragon

In Art Watercolor Gallery, Dragons on January 22, 2015 at 8:48 pm
watercolor  5 x 7 12/2014

watercolor 5 x 7 12/2014

This was painted for  this just past Christmas. If you are interested in seeing the progressive, travel to my Facebook page at the link below. The link is to the first sketch and if you just keep clicking ‘previous’ in the top right corner you will be able to view each successive image in the progress of the dragon. https://www.facebook.com/144972248885874/photos/a.567999823249779.1073741825.144972248885874/768180916565001/?type=1&theater

    • Thanks Gigi. I have been painting dragons over the past few years and they are complaining now about all being stuffed in one room together. The heat builds up due to their fiery breath so they need more space. I am planning on moving them to a new gallery on my website. This way they can cool down and flap their wings a bit.😙

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