White Dog Art


In Wild Things on April 10, 2011 at 1:31 pm

original watercolor 10 x 10 c2003

I originally named this watercolor “Coyote Blessing.” I created it as a logo for “Laughing Coyote Spirit Medicines,” but another of my coyote creations was used instead. So I found this piece languishing in my portfolio. I had giclees made which are now for sale as well as the original. I actually added the poppy flower recently to cover up some paint splatters. It has nothing to do with the coyote, but I like it. It adds to the mystery of healing spirit coyote. Perhaps this coyote is from California where orange poppies grow in abundance on the hills in the north during the spring.

  1. Gretchen, I don’t know how I missed your latest posts. They are wonderful! All of them…powerful and full of peace.

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